Education and Learning

Friday, November 15, 2013

Makanan Penurun Berat Badan

Obesitas, kegemukan, perut buncit... Anda pasti tidak ingin hal ini. Kelebihan berat badan sering membuat kita kurang percaya diri. Mungkin anda sudah sering berolah raga tapi hasil kurang maksimal. Perut tak juga susut dan Anda mulai galau cari cara mudah dan efektif menurunkan berat badan.

Jika anda sudah rajin berolah raga, lakukan diet sehat menurunkan berat badan. Jangan meyiksa diri dengan berlapar-lapar tapi ganti makanan anda dengan buah-buahan dan sayur sayuran tentu saja pilihlah yang mendukung program penurunan berat badan anda.

Jika tak kelihatan hasilnya, cobalah kombinasikan buah-buahan dan sayuran yang anda konsumsi agar badan anda sehat dan nutrisi cukup bagi tubuh anda untuk melakukan detoksifikasi atau pembersihan racun dari tubuh anda.

Jika mengkombinasikan sayuran dan buah repot bagi Anda. Carilah orang yang jual makanan penurun berat badan tentu saja makanan yang sehat.

Anda perlu makanan kesehatan yang mengkombinasikan sayur mayur dan buah untuk memberikan nutrisi bagi diet penurun berat badan anda.

Makanan apa yang sehat?

SMART DETOX adalah kombinasi berbagai sayur mayur dan buah-buahan yang menyhatkan tubuh anda PLUS membantu anda menurunkan berat badan.

Ya, kombinasi olah raga dan diet detoksifikasi ala Smart Detox adalah jawabannya. Karena racun dan sampah dari tubuh anda perlu dikeluarkan untuk membantu metabolisme anda. Banyak orang darti berbagai negara membuktikannya.

Anda siap menurunkan berat badan?

KLIK Jual makanan penurun berat badan


Monday, July 8, 2013

Examples of Short Stories

Do you need examples of short stories? Perhaps, you need simple stories like fable fictions. Fable Fantasy presents motivational short stories and interesting short stories as well as small or short story for kids. Fable Fantasy is site where you can read short stories with moral. The stories will build good motivation and inspire you.

You can read the short review of the stories before you read examples of short stories.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Motivational Short Fable Stories for Kids

Kids love to listen fable stories as bed time stories or as stories with moral in the class. Fables with animals are fun. Kids love to read them and they can be the media to motivate and inspire kids. Fables can play their roles in education. So, why don’t let them read or tell them fables as motivational short stories for kids?

Best Motivational Short Stories

Good motivational stories must be able to inspire and motivate the readers. This post does not tell the award about best motivating short stories by certain institution. It’s relative and every readers has right to judge them. I have just found the site of fable and fantasy fictions where you can get inspired by its info of the best motivational short stories.

Books of Motivational Short Stories

Success is achievement of something. It can be successful learning result. It can be successful study. It can be a successful relationship. It can be a successful business or career. In process to to the top, you may face obstacles which sometimes make you down. Don’t worry! Just get up and go on! Go for your goal! In the process, you need motivation. You can get motivation from the biography of successful persons but sometimes something funny and non-serious can inspire you. You can find self management books or motivational short stories at kindle amazon. You can watch movies that give you motivation or read fable or fantasy motivational short stories books.

Blog about Motivational Short Stories

I love reading short stories or flash fictions, especially inspiring and motivating stories. When I was surfing online, I found some blogs which presented reviews and information about motivating short stories. I really like them, especially those who tells the fable and fantasy stories which can rekindle and rejuvenate my spirits. As a human being, I need motivation in a fun way and I love motivational short stories blog.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Motivational Short Stories about Leadership

A leader must be self motivated. He is a man with vision who respond his calling. He has a plan and takes action with passion. A leader needs motivation. He needs supplement to burn his desire. His heart need to enjoy true stories of another leaders or just inspiring fictions. Sometimes, he also need to read fable fictions as motivational short stories about leadership.

Motivational Short Stories about Life

Humanizing Human Beings, To Be Little Candles for Others. Life is a journey. Life is the time for us to learn. Life is something that we are in it. Sometimes, in journey, we get lost but we find the new beautiful things and find the right track again. Sometimes, when we try to live our life to flow like water, the flow is stack but we find and make the track to flow. We need to live when we are alive and say, “It’s my life.” You need burning desire to run the engine of life. You can get motivation from motivational short stories about life.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Motivational Short Stories for Students

When we learn something, we need to keep high learning spirit. We need motivation inside us to burn our desire. As students, it is good to read motivational short stories for students.

We can find many motivating stories of successful persons, such as scientists, athletes, actor/ actress, artists or leaders. The stories can be testimonial or biography. However, students who love fun can get inspired from fictions. It can be teen literature, love story, and fantasy stories.  

Fable fictions can also become motivational short stories for students.

Motivational Short Stories for Children in Education

This article tells how motivational short stories forchildren play important roles in education.
Early education has essential role in life. Childhood is the golden time to build attitude to be a long life learner. Mind set and perspective are built at that time. 

Outer and internal motivations like supplement for learning process. Children need motivation from outside themselves such as good mark, achievement, presents, certificate, or any other kind of award and reward. In outer motivation, they have motivation to pursue or get something or approval which has a meaning for them. However, motivation which comes from their inner self is more powerful. In inner motivation, they learn because they love it or do something valuable for their life. In inner motivation, learning is development to be better. 

Many things can stimulate inner motivation, such as training, experience, and motivating stories.
Fable stories, testimonials, and success stories plays role to motivate children. They have morals that the children need or love to follow to be better persons, such as self-confidence, honesty, perseverance, love, caring, peace, friendship, passion to be success, and better perspective.
Fables with animals still get children’s attention. As children love to learn with fun, to inspire children you can tell motivationalshort stories of fable fictions.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

What is fable story?

What is fable story?

Fable is story that usually contains moral teaching, employes non-human characters such as talking animals and talking non-human objects. Fable has relationship with the word 'fabulous.'

Read examples of motivational short stories of fable fictions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Learning Tips for Your Test

Here, they are learning tips for your test:

  • Create comfortable learning environment
  • Summarize the points of subject
  • Make study club
  • Modify or associate something you want to memorize with another impressing one
  • Learning by doing
  • Use your visualization and make mind mapping of what you learn
  • Frequency or repetition of learning is better than duration
  • Make it fun
  • Understand rather than memorize
  • Do shadow ask and answer questions! Imagine that you are in the court and critical persons ask you to explain the subjects and you anticipate everything they ask.
  • Do exercise!
  • Practice! Practice! Practice!

Good luck!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What is the meaning of palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is Sunday before three Easter holly days, namely: Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. Palm Sunday is the beginning of Great Week. What is the meaning of Palm Sunday? Palm Sunday has deeper meaning than its history. Historically, it was the time when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem and people welcomed Him with palm leaves in their hands. 

Palm Sunday is celebration to welcome savior. On Palm Sunday, King of Peace comes in humble ways as Savior. On Palm Sunday, people cry,”Hosana” which means ‘Save’ or ‘Savior.’ Palm Sunday represents that God comes in humble way in peace. 

For children, donkey and palm leaves are interesting things on Palm Sunday.  Children may ask why Jesus chose to ride a donkey instead of strong horse, like another king. Donkey is considered lowly or stupid animal. Donkey is not animal for battle. Jesus, King of Peace, rode a donkey in his entry. It means that King of Peace is great without luxury. 

Children’s interest in the donkey of Palm Sunday motivates many writers to write a fable story of Donkey of Palm Sunday. 

Are you interested in Palm Sunday story for children?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How To Learn Before Exams

How To Learn Before Exams

  • Make schedule of learning
  • Rewrite the lesson or make mind map of the lesson
  • No rush in learning
  • Do the lesson’s exercise
  • Set friendly environment for study
  • When you learn, you can listen instrumental musics, instead of ones with lyrics
  • Turn off your TV
  • Do the relaxation!
  • Make brief review about the materials you have learned
  • Ask your friends, trainers,  or parents if you need help in learning 
  • Pray if you believe

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Inspirational Short Stories for Education at Fable Fantasy

Since  the beginning of 2013, has launched inspirational short stories which you can enjoy the free fable stories online including their short review.

Through this site,  you can also buy the books of the collection of the inspiring short stories, such as collection of children short stories with moral lessons, fictional stories for children, business fables, animal fables, as well as Aesop fable stories. 

If you want to find simple English short stories, fables for kids with morals, or children short story examples which you can use for teaching or educational purposes, you can visit Fable Fantasy and read its free short stories.