Humanizing Human Beings, To Be Little Candles for Others
What we learn in preschool plays important role in our lives.
As the character plays important in your child future, choose quality school for your beloved children for their character development. Preschool is not only a place to play and learn but it is also place for them to learn to build a life.
Your kids are inventors, problem solvers, discoverers, and dreamers. Good education system must consider these potency. Education must see human as human. Education is humanizing human beings.
Your kids need to learn new information and have curiosity to master and discover knowledge. They need to learn through self direct experience and play.
Kids need to explore, learn, and play through Art, Creative Exploration, Dramatic Play, Library, Music, , Science & Discovery, and Table Activities. Through challenge, they will learn problem solving. Activities related to Art will stimulate their creativity and motoric aspects. Through music and dramatic play, they learn to confidence. Education must consider the integrated aspects of right and left brain.
Children need good environment to grow. They need
Day Care Center where they can expereience playing, exploring, and learning. Preschool rooms need to be set up with that specific purpose for children. The design must be eye catching. Environment must have fun theme. The design must be synchronized with colorful imagination of kids. Not only is the room aesthetics, but it also facilitates functions for kid activity.
Not only just nice, teachers should really care about kids, and they understand and work with family.
Preschool must make kids feel comfortable to play, explore, and learn.
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